You touch down at what looks like an airport from a sci-fi movie.
A bullet train whisks you to the city at 160 kph.
Your jaw drops at the sight of the world’s tallest twin towers.
So does your resistance to shopping.
Dinner at 421 metres above sea level somehow makes the Dom Perignon taste better.
Nursing a nightcap in pulsating Bangsar, you wonder.
Is this a vision or a city?
Kuala Lumpur.
Vision City.
Imagine a city that speaks Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil.
A city that eats Japanese, Spanish, French and Italian.
One that gleams by day and glows by night.
That wears Gucci, Armani, Prada and a smile.
A city that looks like the future and sees to its past.
Where Chardonnay shares a table with char-koay-teow.
And the strains of Beethoven embrace the beat of the traditional Malay drum.
Is this a vision or a city?
Kuala Lumpur.
Vision City.
Things you’ll lose in a city of 1.5 million people.
Your voice, at the world’s fastest, loudest sports event.
Your calories, at over 30 shopping malls.
Your track of time, at the world’s largest surf-wave pool.
Your train of thought, at the sight of the city from Asia’s tallest telecommunication tower.
Is this a vision or a city?
Kuala Lumpur.
Vision City.